CRM setup E-mail

CRM Setup: E-mail Sync

By matching your e-mail address with the Minimum CRM setup, you can track your e-mails and fully synchronize interface with all e-mail providers.

Furthermore, the correspondences you desire are automatically saved to the company or contact card where the e-mail address is registered. In this way, you can make all your correspondence on a single interface without wasting time.

In addition, you can match the conversations you have with your customers, whose e-mail addresses are on your system, with the relevant deals and follow the communication in your sales processes closely.

After entering your e-mail provider’s information and required ports in the required fields, you can safely use your e-mail account on Minimum CRM.

Custom fields are a crucial part of the CRM setup in terms of customization. By adding custom fields suitable for your own business structure in all modules, you can configure the Minimum CRM according to your needs and thus increase your productivity.

When you come to the Add Custom Fields section in Settings, you can review the custom fields you have previously added to your existing modules. Here you can revise the relevant custom field or remove it if it has lost compatibility with your current business structure.

When you would like to define a new custom field, you can click the Add Custom Field button to create a custom field via the form that comes up.

CRM setup to add custom fields.

You need to enter the name of the custom field that you will create in the first place.

You can select the module to which the custom field will be added from the menu under the name field.

Finally, you can select the type of custom field you are creating by clicking the relevant icon. Below you can find a brief explanation and example of the use of field types.

Text: The special field will be used as for description or note part, and text entry will be made freely in the field. Example: Product description

Digital: Numbers will be entered in the special field. Example: Minimum order quantity

Money: The custom field will represent a monetary type of entry. Example: Freight fee

Multiple Selection: Thanks to the special field, the user will be able to associate multiple options you add in the list with the field. Example: Matching two competitors from the list of equivalent products for your respective product.

Single-Selection: Thanks to the special field, the user will be able to associate one of the options you add in the list with the field. Example: Company Business Model; Retailer, Distributor, Showroom, etc

User: You can use this type of custom field to direct multiple users for the relevant entry. Example: An additional user area to track the activity together.

Organization: You can use this type of custom field to associate the relevant record with a lead or customer. Example: Recommending the ideal customer for a product.

Contact: You can use this type of custom field to associate the related record with a person. Example: One of your contacts who is in the position of a client’s final decision maker for a deal.

Phone: You can use this type of custom field to define an additional phone number for the module. Example: The manufacturer’s hotline number for your product

Date: You can use this type of custom field to create an additional date field for the module. Example: Specifying the shelf life for your product.


On user management section of CRM setup is critical in terms of security and management issues. You can determine the authorization levels of your employees, add new users to the system and access detailed information of their status.

Total number of user accounts
Number of user accounts in use
The number of user accounts not in use

are displayed on this screen. In addition, information about the duration of your subscription and new user account purchases are also carried out on this screen.

You can invite new users to your Minimum CRM application by means of the add user button.

CRM setup for user management.

In the Authorization Profile section below, you can easily define existing users to a suitable group by drag and drop functionality according to your business structure and preferences. With the Authorization Settings button on the top right of this table, you can determine the scope of the authorization profile groups. Thus, you determine which group can create, view, update and delete which data in the system.

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